New galleries of
modern art are
popping up every year in Athens
promoting painting, sculpture,
installations, photography and
graphic design. One of the most
active ones is DESTE Foundation
Centre (11 Fillelinon, & Emanuel
Papa, Nea Ionia, train station
Nea Ionia), established by art
collector Dakis Ioannou in 1983.
Striving to promote new as well
as established artists, it currently
features the exhibition “Fractured
Figure” with works from the Dakis
Ioannou collection until July 31.
Zoumboulaki Gallery (20 Kolonaki
square, 210 3631364) exhibits the
colourful world of Christina
Darra, while Gallery Kourd
(2-4, Kassianis str.) is hosting
works by contemporary and more
classic artists. “Syllogi” Gallery
(1, Likourgoy & Aiolou str, 2nd
floor) specialises in 19th and 20th
century painting by Greek artists,
a wonderfull chance to admire and
even buy some Greek art. “Opening
Hours”, Bernier-Eliades Gallery
(11 Eptahalkou, Thisio, 210 3413936)
promotes young Greek and foreign
artists and is currently exhibiting
a group show of three artists.
If you’re into photography,
Herakleidon Museum (16
Herakleidon, Thisio,
210 3461981) presents
the work of German
photographer Winfried Bullinger
named “Caves”. Bullinger’s
pictures were produced in
Ethiopia, Sudan, Peru, Germany
and Greece.